March 25, 2011 – published by
The following is an aggregation of several Prophets (and Apostles) and their prophetic predictions of global events that will soon impact America and the world. Thus, this bulletin serves as warning resource because of the “sooner than later” implications. The first is a list of credible Christian Prophets who have contributed to this aggregated list (“credible” because they have a strong track record of predicting events that happen).
Bob Jones
Rick Joyner
John Paul Jackson
Terry Bennett
Patricia King
Jill Austin
John Mulinde
1.) Soon, a large earthquake, coupled with volcanic eruptions and tsunamis that travel up to 50 miles inland, will cause major impact on the west coast of America, especially along the Pacific Ring of Fire.
2.) There will be a global economic unraveling. The American dollar will be nearly, if not completely, devalued. A barter system will serve as an interim source of trade until another currency is formed. Many Banks will freeze accounts and people will not have access to their accounts and safety deposit box items.
3.) Cities of Refuge will form. These cities are safe places to live where the presence of God dwells and the predicted catastrophes will not have direct impact.
4.) A plague will be released and infect many. It will have “H1” in its name.
5.) Civil war in the church will break out. Those who are called by their Bridegroom Jesus to be his Bride will be spiritually “birthed” in the middle of this civil war. The accusations and persecutions assailing those called to be the Bride will come from their brothers and sisters in the church. The Bridegroom will use these fiery trials to form the Bride’s character of gold. They will rely only on their faith and trust in God. They will be known in the earth for their Love. The Bride will not “return evil for evil.”
6.) Civil unrest, anarchy, and thus, the need for martial law will come to various places in America.
7.) Several prophets have seen an attempt to assassinate President Barak Obama. Though Muslim extremists are behind the assassination plot, if it is successful, it will be publicized as a racial war and spark race riots in the streets. Christians are to fervently pray against this attempt to remove the President and pray for his protection. We are also to pray for wisdom and courage for our leaders to govern America in the midst of chaos and calamity.
8.) Though some have seen this earthquake averted; several have predicted a major earthquake along the New Madrid Fault line that would impact cities such as St. Louis, Memphis, and Chicago.
9.) The spirit of antichrist (which seeks to counterfeit the fruits of the Holy Spirit described in Galatians 5:22, 23) will capitalize on the rising fears from the growing chaos and calamity and will propose “solutions” to the world’s problems. “Doctrines of demons” will be taught (even by Christian leaders) saying Jesus is “one of many ways” (but not the only way) to the Father and to eternal life with God. These false doctrines “absolve” people from eternal punishment by denying the existence of hell. The teaching is a humanistic attempt to “lessen or remove eternal consequences” for not believing in Jesus as the exclusive way to eternal life and the Father.
10.) Apostles in the church will be called upon to stand as spiritual plumblines and preach the truth of God’s Word in opposition to the spirit of antichrist and its doctrines of demons. By opposing doctrines of demons and by calling for repentance and a return to God, Apostles will help avert the judgments of God, such as the predicted earthquake along the New Madrid Fault Line.
11.) A religious, political system, specializing in social justice, will come to America that will look so good that it will deceive even some followers of Jesus Christ. Those who are self-seeking and have not been forged in the fire of their faith and trust in God will be vulnerable to the deception of it because this political/religious system appears as an “easy way out” economically and spiritually and looks good socially. People will have to compromise the truth of God’s word to buy into this system. The prophetic word is, “Beware the Harlot.”
12.) God is a God of justice, but his justice does not allow for a compromise of his precepts and principles as they are laid out in the Bible. The Bride will act as a compassionate agent of the great love and mercy of God in the earth through an unprecedented display of God’s splendor implementing his power through miraculous signs and wonder. Through the Bride of Jesus Christ, the voice of Hope will arise in the land.
13.) The end-time Laodicean church described in Revelation 3:14-19 will be polarized by the upcoming events. Christians will have to choose whether they are “hot” or “cold” toward God. A time is coming where the love of most (Christians) will grow cold toward God (Matthew 24:12). And, a time is coming where the love of the Bride of Jesus will be so impassioned (hot) that these followers of Jesus are even willing to lay down their lives for the sake of Jesus and their fellow believers (Revelation 12:11). Pray that the remnant of God in America is large in number, strong in spirit, and ready to reclaim America for God.
14.) A harvest of over a billion souls will come to accept, know, and love Jesus as their LORD and Savior. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send workers into his harvest field (Matthew 9:38).
15.) A synchronized, worldwide worship event will usher in the presence of Jesus as we have never experienced him before. An outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon ALL people of all ages and races will come (Joel 2:28-32).
16.) There will be a rise of anti-Semitism, even in America, forcing Israel to passionately turn to God for help.
What can we do to prepare?
1.) Above all else, accept, pursue, seek to know more of, believe in, and trust Jesus as our LORD and Savior. Ask him to help you and give you the grace to become who he created you to be. Read and study the Bible.
2.) Pray for a big, strong, remnant to form in America to reclaim and rebuild it for God’s glory.
3.) Increase the amount of times when you assemble with others in the Body of Christ. Pray together, seek the LORD together, worship Him, pray for spiritual renewal and exercise His gifts to encourage each other.
4.) Do not be afraid. Whenever we feel tempted to fear, we can ask the LORD to increase our revelation of his love for us and for others. He promises that his love will drive out any fear (I John 4:18).
5.) Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray for Israel.
6.) Practically:
— If you live in areas where disaster is predicted, ask the LORD if you should stay in or leave the area.
— Consider becoming trained to deal with disasters and emergencies through programs such as C.E.R.T. or Red Cross.
— Prepare an emergency supply that lasts at least 6 weeks.
— If you have financial resources and believe God is calling you to invest, gold has been “seen” in prophetic dreams to reach $1,700 short term, and in the longer term, even higher. Silver will go into the hundreds.